Cyclobenzaprine HCI

Cyclobenzaprine HCI is a muscle relaxant medication that comes in various brand names like Flexeril, Fexmid, Amrix and etc. Cyclobenzaprine HCI helps in blocking nerve impulses and sensation related to pain to the brain cells. During any type of pain or injury, you need to take this medication. People who get allergic reaction like heart rhythm disorder, congestive heart failure, heart block, and thyroid disorder should not take Cyclobenzaprine HCI.

Side Effects:

Some of the side effects of Cyclobenzaprine HCI are breathing difficulty, swelling of face, uneven heartbeats, pounding, fast, chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling, sudden headache and weakness. Before taking Cyclobenzaprine HCI, you need to tell your doctor if you get any type of allergic reaction. There are many inactive ingredients in this medication that can bring allergic issues. Hence, it is recommended to speak to your doctor immediately. Stop taking this medication, if you get any side-effects.

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